IPitomy IPitomy Smarter Business Communications

IPitomy Fax Services
When it comes to fax services, IPitomy has our clients covered. Everyone has their preference of how they like to send and receive faxes and there are several options. Regardless of which option you like, the key is that you want to get rid of those very expensive analog fax lines that are still out there.

It is hard sometimes to change long held habits and despite showing clients how much they can save and how easy it is to adapt new technology, some people still want to keep their fax machine and those expensive fax lines.

MoreIPitomy Fax Options

Administration Premissions for Multiple Users
IPitomy’s new flexible administration permissions feature allows administrators to set up users and groups of users that are granted permission to access certain features and functions in the VoIP PBX system.  Groups are created to define a range of access to specific areas of the PBX. Users assigned to this group will be able to modify only the areas they have been granted permission to access.

Read MoreFlexible Administration User Permissions

Schools Embrace IPitomy’s Unified Educational Institution Applications

Moving to VoIP is not just a trend for educational institutions, It’s a necessity. Education has been moving away from legacy systems and embracing new VoIP technology - only limited by constrained budgets. The reasons Education institutions choose new technology is much the same as other enterprise customers.
Schools have always had the need for a phone system, intercom system, paging system, scheduled bells and emergency notifications. Many of these individual applications have lagged behind the technology curve as they were designed to integrate with an old fashioned phone system or out of date paging hardware. Some were installed as a separate system because there was not one single unified product that could provide most of the applications required. IPitomy can integrate with the older hardware or replace it.

MoreSchool Systems Embrace IPitomy

Technology is Changing.  Your Business Model needs to keep up!  Check Out VoIP!

It is obvious that the technology of telecommunications has changed over the past 15 years.  It's still about about people communicating and connecting using voice services, but that underlying technology that enables this communication has moved from TDM to VoIP.  

Big news flash?  Hardly.  We have all anticipated this transition over the past years and most VARs and Interconnect companies have been making the technological switch from TDM to VoIP.  This has not been without some challenges.  Data Vars have had to get up to speed on Voice and Interconnect Companies have had to get up to speed on VoIP and networking technology.  

MoreChanges to the Telecommunications Business Model

IPitomy® Communications

P: +1 941.306.2200 - 800.IPitomy
F: + 1 941.306.2220

2837 Cattlemen Rd.
Sarasota, Fl 34232



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